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One of the most important events for the water sector in South Sudan is taking place next week (2-29 February 2024) in Juba. Organized by UNICEF and Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI), the conference expect to host 300 national and international participants. Up to date, 250 participants already confirmed their subscription. Participants are: representatives from National Ministries & State Ministries, representatives from national NGOs & international NGOs and private sector. The 3 day conference has an ambitious program that consist of high level presentations, parallel sessions, poster presentations and an exhibition of the private sector.

During the conference I wear different ‘heats’. I’m proud to be a moderator during a panel discussion on behalf of #VNG International. I am just as proud of the fact that, together with #Salva Dut (WfSS & Water Institute), we will conduct a high-level presentation on Capacity Building for Sustainability, followed by an in-depth parallel workshop on the same subject. Salva and I are currently preparing our presentations. The workshop should provide recommendations for a transition in capacity building: away from a humanitarian-led-approach towards a sustainable approach. Capacity building for sustainability, isn't that what everyone is enthusiastic about and looking for? We'll discover that next week.